Thursday, March 24, 2011

Political Comments by Emails!

These are some political comments by emails; I received from some readers of the HOA Political Scene Newsletter.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

HOA Political Scene 35! Will There Be Any Sudan after Two Months?

HOA Political Scene 35! What will remain of Sudan tomorrow? Will there be any Sudan after two months? Maybe nothing called Sudan will remain, but only the memorials.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

HOA Political Scene 33 Announces the New State of Kizanistan in Northern Sudan!

HOA Political Scene 33! The UNSC deploys new international peace forces in Southern Sudan! From now onwards, north Sudan is the State of Kizanistan! It is possible since this party continues in Sudan.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Phoenix Order Page

I published my poetry book and it is now in Cairo International Book Fair! You can proceed the Phoenix Order for both hard cover book and e-book from here. Watch out for the audio book!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

قصيدة البتاع

هذه القصيدة لشاعر مصري كبير من شعراء العامية المصرية خاصة... لقد كتب الشاعر هذه القصيدة في مناسبة مأساوية في التاريخ المصري... الآن، هنا سؤالين مهمين بشأن هذه القصيدة: 1- من هو الشاعر؟ و 2- ما هي مناسبة القصيدة؟

هناك جائزة قيمة لمن يجيب علي هذين السؤالين إجابة صحيحة عبارة عن كتابين من كتبنا القيمة. للحصول علي الجائزة يرجي من المشتركين إستخدام الإستمارة الموجودة في الموقع التالي لإرسال عنوان (إيميلاتهم) حتي نتمكن من إرسال جوائزهم إليهم

هذه هي القصيدة

ياللي فتحت البتاع

فتحك على مقفول

لآن اصل البتاع

واصل على موصول

خابى شى فى البتاع

الناس تشوف على طول

والناس تموت فى البتاع

فيبقى مين مسؤول

وإزائي حتفتح بتاع

فى وسط ناس بتقول

بانو هذا البتاع

جاب الخراب بالطول

لآن حتة بتاع

جاهل غبى ومخبول

امر بفتح البتاع

لآنو كان مسطول

وبعد فتح البتاع

جابو الهوى المنقول

نكش عشوش البتاع

وهد كل اصو ل

وفات فى غيط البتاع

قام سمم المحصول

وخلى لون البتاع

اصفر حزين مهزول

وساد قانون البتاع

لاعله لامعلول

فالقاضى تبع البتاع

والحق على الماتول

والجهل زاد فى البتاع

لامقرى لا منقول

والخوف سرح فى البتاع

خلى الديابه تصول

يبقى البتاع فى البتاع

والناس صايبها ذهول

وإن حد قال ده البتاع

يقولولو مش معقول

وناس تعيش بالبتاع

وناس تموت بالفول

وناس تنام ع البتاع

وناس تنام كشكول

ادى اللجابو البتاع

جاب الخراب مشمول

لانو حتة بتاع

مخلب لراس الغول

باع البتاع

وعشان يعيش على طول

عين حوس بالبتاع

وبرضو مات مأتول

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sudanese Art

Sudanese Art chants the unity in diversity in Sudan fights the intentions to break this unity down and builds upon positive national feelings to cure the insanity of politics.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

What are the Political Problems in Sudan?

If somebody asked what the political problems in Sudan are, we expect this person to ask who makes the political problems in Sudan. The nature of the problems always encourages folk to ask about the cause of the problems. When they ask about the cause of the problems, folk immediately ask why they cause those problems.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Sudanese Music

The evolution process brings the Sudanese Music to play in harmony with these themes.

read more | digg story

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sudanese Song

People sang in Sudan before the development of TV shows, wireless technologies and cables development throughout the planet.

I found this article in my archives here, while I was searching for such topic I wrote earlier in the beginning of the eightieth.

I found press coverage to a lecture on this topic I published at that time. I believe that I have forgotten so many topics I wrote in articles, reportages and interviews through my professional life. I have lost so many of these journalistic activities during my long escape from the dictatorship domination in Sudan throughout its modern history.

The archives search I conducted resulted on this page. I hope it is interesting topic to read and know something about the development of this kind of the Sudanese arts.

I found that it is difficult to translate some local terms in the Sudanese language into English, so I just worded them in English letters. I herein, gave them more highlights to explain what they mean.

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